Artists who have performed at Rock Stage Malmö
A New Breed of Thieves | A Tribute to Black Sabbath | A.C.T | Abramis Brama | Acid’s Trip | Acorise | Altair | Andromeda | Apollo Gothenburg | Art Nation | Astrakhan | Avalanche | Babian | Bad Boys | Bai Bang | Beckmörkt | Black Bat Boogie Band | Black Paisley | Blacksmith Legacy | Blizzard Of Us – A Tribute To Ozzy Osbourne | Bomber | Bonafide | Browsing Collection | Budderside | Bullets And Octane (US) | Cabeza | Canary Islands | Captain Blackbeard | Carubine | Caught In Action | Cloudscape | Cobra Cult | Colorstone | Confirmed siCK | Convoluted | Courtesy of | Crazy Lixx | Crötley Müe | Dahlia | Dawn Of Oblivion | Dead Sleep | Death By Horse | Death Ray Boot | Deathening | Debase | Deceptic | dEMOTIONAL | Deville | Dimhall | Dressed to Thrill | Driftwood Sign | Drools | Dust Bowl Jokies | Dynamite | Dynazty | Eastern High | Electric Hydra | Eleine | Emma Varg | Eradikated | Eric 13 | Eyes Wide Open | Fejd | Finnegans Hell | Flegma | Florence Black | Frank | Frankie Frankie | Frantic Amber | Friday Night Specials | Frontback | Funhouse | Gain Eleven | Golvad Grävling | Grand Rezerva | Green Jellÿ | Guenna | Haunted By Destiny | Hedda Hatar | Helhorse | Heretic Legion | Hexed | Honeyburst | Huanastone | Hysterica | Häxan (UK) | Idiot Child | Imber | Imminence | Infinite & Divine | Interemo | JD Miller | Kamchatka | Kerbera | Knights of the Realm | Kranium | Krashkarma | Lancer | Leading Light | Liar Thief Bandit | Liv Sin | Lizette & | Love and a .38 | Lovebomb | Lykantropi | MaidaVale | Manny Ribera | Martin Prahl’s Skelter Wheel | Metalite | Misconduct | Modesty | Mother Mersy | My dear addiction | Nale | Nekromant | Nocean | Northern Ladies | Outshine | Pandemonium | Paranoia | Pedalens Pågar | Plan Three | Point Riot | Pretty Wild | Race The Sunset | RazorRape | Rexoria | S.O.R.M | Satan Takes A Holiday | Scarlet | Self Deception | Social Pretender | Sodakill | Solity | Soundact | Star Crystal (UKR) | Static Confusion | Statue of Goat | Steve ’N’ Seagulls | Sticky Dirt | Stonekillers | Ström | Suicide By Tigers | Suicide Syndicate | Supercharger | Superloader (DK) | Supralunar | Syron Vanes | Takla Makan | Team Anarchy | The Dahmers | The Demtones | The Guilt | The Hawkins | The Headlines | The Heard | The Hypnagogics | The Mayors | The Mercury Riots (US) | The Monoheads | The OhNos | The Parity Complex | The Presolar Sands | The Royal Ruckus | The Unguided | The Weaklings | Through The Noise | Transport League | Tungsten | VA Rocks | VA!? | Vajra | Van Haven | Vater Son | Velvet Insane | Velveteen Queen | Vet Hut | Vilt | Violet Janine | Void Commander | Vulgar Display of Pantera | Warner Drive | We Are The Catalyst | Wicked Wendy | Wolfsblood | Writing the Future | Wysdom Given | You Too | Zachary Kibbee